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The media landscape in Indonesia over the past two years has undergone significant changes. Data obtained from the eight largest media companies in Indonesia, namely CT Corp, Global Mediacom, EMTEK, Media Asia Vision, Media Group, News Holdings, Jawa Pos and Kompas Gramedia says that the Indonesian people are currently experiencing a decline in the level of readability, giving an impact on the sustainability of print media industry.

Until the beginning of this year many publishers that have had a name and history in the print industry began to close their print magazines.

Jakarta Globe, Rolling Stone, FHM, Sinar Harapan, Indonesia Finance Today, Koran Tempo Minggu are some media from large media groups that have fallen amidst digitalized industry. Not to mention several media highlighting lifestyle issues, since news related lifestyle is now much easier and faster to obtain from online media.

Another reason of the falling of print media is because they are late in making innovation in the digital platform, or change into online media due to media disruption.

The Nielsen survey also says that around 6 million people read news every day through online media, only 4.5 million people read print media, and only 1.1 million read both.

Digital media also brings users to enjoy the ease of finding news updates with the use of social media platforms. Approximately 49% percent of the internet user population or nearly half of internet users in Indonesia already have social media account.

In terms of growth of social media users, Indonesia is the third largest country with a growth rate of 23% or 24 million users in the past year.

This is proved with two cities in Indonesia occupying the position as the two largest number of Facebook users worldwide. The cities are Bekasi with 18 million users and Jakarta with 16 million users. Indonesia also occupies one of the largest countries using one of the world’s most popular social media, Instagram. There are 53 million people in Indonesia use Instagram, which means that almost all smart phone users in Indonesia are also Instagram users.

Digital media brings users to enjoy the ease of finding news updates with the use of social media platforms. Approximately 49% percent of the internet user population or nearly half of internet users in Indonesia have social media account.

In terms of growth of social media users, Indonesia is the third largest country with a growth rate of 23% or 24 million users in the past year. Still about social media, Indonesia also occupies one of the largest countries using one of the world’s most popular social media, Instagram.

There are 53 million people in Indonesia use Instagram, which means that almost all smart phone users in Indonesia are also Instagram users.

Of the large number of social media users, Let us begin to see how long the internet users interact virtually on the social media. Similarly, Indonesia occupies one of the highest world rankings with duration of using social media for 3 hours 23 minutes.

Compared to the average time of internet use in Indonesia, people of Indonesia allocate nearly 30% of their time for social media.

Currently at least 43,300 online media have been recorded by Press Council since 2013, but online media that have been factually verified and rated professional by the Press Council are only 168 online media companies.

Data from Nielsen Consumer & Media View (CMV) survey in third quarter of 2017 states that number of titles in magazine dropped from 162 in 2012 to 96 titles in 2017. While titles on newspaper dropped by 3 in the same period, from 102 to 99 titles. The survey also shows that print media (including newspapers, magazines and tabloids) has currently a penetration rate of 8% and is read by 4.5 million people. In terms of the readers’ profile, print media in Indonesia tends to be consumed by consumers from the age range of 20-49 years (74%), whose work is employee (32%), and the majority of readers are from the upper class (54%).

This shows that the readers of print media are still productive and are from the established groups of community.

The change of reading interest pattern from print to digital form is explained by Nielsen in the same survey. Frequency of internet usage among print media readers reached 86%, or above the average of 61%. Until Q3 2017, the number of digital version readers has reached six million people with penetration rate of 11%. This proves that people actually still have an interest of reading, yet they switch the platforms. This can be observed from the high penetration of digital readings in several cities in Java such as Bandung and its surrounding areas (25%), Surakarta (22%), Yogyakarta and surrounding areas (19%), Semarang and surrounding areas (12%) and Jakarta and surrounding area (11%).

Meanwhile, outside of Java, most readers still read more in print platform. This means there are still opportunities for print media companies to increase penetration in areas outside of Java.

A potential success that will certainly affect the media industry, because people expect detailed and comprehensive information about their needs in terms of transport and media products that can help meet those needs.

Changes of media landscape media in Indonesia towards the digital world should also be considered more thoroughly.

The selection of digital media platforms as a tier 1 media for brands is a must in terms of getting wider, more detail and faster display of media coverage display. On the other hand, brands should also be more proactive and more attractive in terms of providing news content that can attract the attention of the media.

The choice of digital content to easily fit into digital and social media platforms is important. High quality products, low energy consumption, low cost, low carbon emission, local production and technological and research challenges are some of the content options that can attract huge media attention.

Meanwhile, to maintain coverage in the print media, brands must also be proactive in terms of providing a variety of event activation options related to the community and readers of the media.

Particularly for media lifetsyle, since the options are getting fewer, brands is expected to summarize the existing lifestyle media with activation options and content that can attract the attention of the users, and provide benefits that summarize the interests of both parties. Attractive content selection, acceptable to all platforms, and periodic publication on social media will also be challenges that will benefit the digital side of the users. Involving more KOLs and experts from selected lifestyle media actors will certainly help raise significant awareness for the brand.


written by Jojo S Nugroho, Chairman of APPRI

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